Media Advisory
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Release: Immediate
World Wetlands Day, a significant global environmental day, is commemorated annually on 2 February and throughout the month of February. The focus for this year’s campaign is to preserve and restore the world’s wetlands, following this year’s theme, “Wetlands, Action for People and Nature”.
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo will continue in the efforts to raising awareness about these prized water bodies in our city.
Please join us on Thursday, 24 February 2022 at Siyaya Park in Freedom Park, south of Johannesburg, corner Mpumelelo Street and New Moon Street, from 09h00 to 12h00.
Approximately 150 environmental enthusiasts will be abuzz cleaning, collecting litter strewn areas and illegal dumping around the wetland. Exhibitions from various stakeholders will engage and educate learners as well as the community on the importance of wetlands in their community. Delegates will plant ceremonial trees to mark the day.
Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Release: Immediate
World Wetlands Day, a significant global environmental day, is commemorated annually on 2 February and throughout the month of February. The focus for this year’s campaign is to preserve and restore the world’s wetlands, following this year’s theme, “Wetlands, Action for People and Nature”.
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo will continue in the efforts to raising awareness about these prized water bodies in our city.
Please join us on Thursday, 24 February 2022 at Siyaya Park in Freedom Park, south of Johannesburg, corner Mpumelelo Street and New Moon Street, from 09h00 to 12h00.
Approximately 150 environmental enthusiasts will be abuzz cleaning, collecting litter strewn areas and illegal dumping around the wetland. Exhibitions from various stakeholders will engage and educate learners as well as the community on the importance of wetlands in their community. Delegates will plant ceremonial trees to mark the day.

Issued on behalf of
Councillor Ronald Harris
Member of the Mayoral Committee for Community Development
City of Joburg
Media enquiries can be directed to: Noeleen Mattera: Stakeholder & Media Relations
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo
T: 011 712-6722 / E: Follow us on Twitter @JoburgParksZoo, Instagram and on Facebook