9 October 2023

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ), the custodians responsible for greening, conservation and preservation of public open spaces in Joburg will be removing approximately 312 trees (Phase 1 of 3) along the Delta-Orlando 88kV (kilovolt) power servitude along the Braamfontein Spruit in the Parkhurst area.

Although tree removal was scheduled for the beginning of September 2023, City Power has isolated the area for the commencement of the tree removal which will be taking place tomorrow, 10 October 2023 from 08h00 to 16h00.

JCPZ does not condone the removal of trees in the city as trees are protected by strict open space bylaws, however, this exercise is necessary for the safety and well-being of the residents of Parkhurst.  The trees stand between 10 to 15 metres high and are currently encroaching on and around the 88kV overhead powerlines, resulting in the increasing number of power outages in the area.  Failure to remove these trees will subsequently damage City Power’s infrastructure such as the substation and transformer alongside private properties.

The trees have also become a source of earthing for the powerlines and failure to remove these trees will result in the power supply returning to the ground which could cause potential fires of dry shrubs and grass, reoccurring power outages and possible fatalities.

City Parks and Zoo values its green canopy as trees are vital to our environment and they beautify the city. 

JCPZ would like to reassure residents that the maintenance and management of trees in the City of Johannesburg is continuously prioritised.

The project will be executed in three phases for an estimated 3 to 5 weeks depending on weather conditions, which might further delay the process.  Residents in the affected area will be kept updated. 

Joburg is one of the most densely populated cities, the abundance of indigenous trees combats and reduces the effects of climate change as they not only absorb air pollutants but provide clean oxygen.  The presence of trees promotes a sense of tranquility and connectedness to nature, especially in residential areas and metropolises.
